Coincidence Logic Unit
UQD offers devices for the measurement of entangled photon sources, the implementation of quantum cryptography systems in both free space and fibre optics, and photon correlation experiments with quantum dots.
This novel logic unit, conceived by UQD co-founder Thomas Jennewein, is designed and built in cooperation with Thomas Lehner of DotFast. This unit effectively combines a timing analyzer, coincidence logic unit and counters for 16 input channels into one device. It is truly unique, as it manages continuous operation speeds of a total of 200 MHz input signals, at the very short timing coincidence window of minimal 0.3 ns. All events are counted onboard, and data is accessed via a USB interface.
This unit has such flexibility that it will most likely cover all the needs of a quantum optics experiments.
Some specific examples of experiments where these instruments can be utilized:
high count rate entanglement sources
multi-photon experiments such as optical quantum computing
quantum cryptography with single and entangled photons
feed-forward experiments including gated detectors and triggered optical modulators
time correlated flourescence