作者: Kevin Peng 发布于: 2016-08-23 17:11 点击:次
从单个细胞来看, 生命物质的特征之一是细胞被一层膜所包围。我们已经知道, 活细胞的结构比较复杂, 其中膜结构实际上涉及到细胞活性的各个水平。例如, 在真核细胞中, 膜充满了细胞, 出现在线粒体, 高尔基体和细胞核等。这些细胞膜起到把细胞质分开并为生命过程的发展提洪骨架的作用。尽管细胞膜有内外之分, 但一般认为它们是互相连通的。人们常把蛋白质或核酸等看作基本“ 生命” 实体, 但从更多的证据来这些细胞要素在某些类型的膜把它们从周围环境中分离开以前是不会发生更多转化作用的。由于许多生理和生物化学作用不是发生在大量细胞质内, 而是发生在各种细胞膜中, 因此生物膜便成为生物化学和生物物理学所研究的核心问题之一,这个时候我们就需要膜片钳。
:膜片钳技术是在电压钳技术的基础上发展起来的, 来反映细胞膜上离子通道活动的一项技术。它对通过离子通道的离子电流进行记录, 目前已发展出多种记录模式, 广泛应用于神经科学、药理学、细胞生物学、生理学和分子生物学等学科领域。
膜片钳技术(patch-clamptechnique)是在电压钳技术的基础上发展起来的, 采用记录流过离子通道的离子电流, 来反映细胞膜上单一的(或多个的)离子通道分子活动的技术。该技术可将一尖端经加热抛光的玻璃微电极管吸附只有几平方微米的细胞膜, 在玻璃电极尖端边缘与细胞膜之间形成高阻封接, 因而可通过微电极直接对膜片(细胞膜小区域)进行电压钳制,而无需使用其它微电极(如图)。1976年, 德国生理学家Neher和Sakmann[ 2] 首先利用此技术研究肌肉细胞膜上的乙酰胆碱受体通道, 记录出了量值在皮安级(10-12 A)的微弱电流。
Elements s.r.l. 基于元素的设计定制芯片(ASIC)使用标准和低成本的CMOS工艺。多年的经验在微电子设计应用于若设备给团队一个独特的元素,在非常低振幅的信号读出独占优势。元素微芯片可以测量微微安培电流(10 - 12)与带宽高达数百千赫范围内由于深知识达到单元素和多通道信号采集非常低振幅信号,低功率管理技术、模拟数字转换和数字数据精化。
公司开发了单通道和四通道两种微电流放大器,广泛应用于电化学,生物物理,细胞检测,生物光子学,生理学,纳米电极,纳米通道 等领域,被业界认可,被很多膜片钳的检测系统厂家采用,具有价格便宜,体积小,便于构建等优点,可适用于广大科研用户和OEM客户。
eONE – Miniaturized One-Channel Amplifier
The world’s smallest low-cost current amplifier for nanopores and single-channel electrophysiology applications. eONE is a complete, USB-powered, one-channel data acquisition system. It incorporates the low noise amplifier, the digitizer and filters, and the voltage stimulus generator, all in a very small footprint (only 30x15x74mm). It is suitable for research and educational activities which use bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) or whole cells.
A small, easy-to-use, USB plug ‘n play system for acquiring very low-current signals!
Simple experimental setup
How to connect eONE in a typical electrophysiology setup
Orbit mini - World's only 'hand-held' four-channel bilayer setup
Thanks to the collaboration with Nanion Technologies and Ionera, the Orbit mini, the world's only handheld four-channel bilayer setup, has been developed. The core of the system is eFOUR, the smallest four-channel, USB-powered, current amplifier designed and produced by Elements.
A compact and complete BLM educational kit for accurate electrophysiological recordings. The kit includes the eONE amplifier, the EDR software with real-time analysis and all the tools for fast screening of ion-channels functional activity in lipid environments.
The kit is contained into a 16 x 10 x 5 cm Faraday cage and includes:
• a recording chamber made by two 1 ml Delrin cuvette with electrode input;
• a set of laser drilled Teflon membranes with fixed hole size of 50, 80, 110 µm;
• paint brush, Ag wires, electrode connectors to plug the eONE amplifier.
A large number of standard experiments can be performed using the BLMkit. Stable membranes can be easily formed to study ion channels or toxin property. Without bulky setup you can start to make BLM experiments on your desk. The BLMkit is especially design for teaching activity for lab experience, to enable students to learn electrophysiology basis on Lipid Bilayers property, membrane protein study and ion channels analysis.
EDA - Elements Data Analyzer
The Elements Data Analyzer software enables users to open and visualize the current and voltage traces acquired by Elements Data Reader in the .dat and .abf formats. The intuitive graphical user interface allows a quick and easy data display.